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 Conscious Connected Breathwork

Available for individual or group sessions

wave mandala

Conscious Connected Breathwork is a profoundly simple practice to help release the mental, emotional and physical trauma we carry in our bodies. Using a conscious, connected, circular breath with some music, light touch and verbal guidance one can release a tremendous amount of stress in a short time. Breathwork helps one re-pattern the nervous system and can be incredibly cathartic, heart opening and Spirit connecting. 

Individual Session: 90 minutes $150

Group Session:  90 minutes $35 per person


SOMA Breath is a complete holistic system of Pranayama techniques with the overall mission to empower people with knowledge, tools, and techniques to make positive and lasting change in their lives. SOMA Breath techniques have the power to transform someone even down to a cellular level. SOMA Breath, considered as a whole, with its range of possible uses and applications, is a framework for total life transformation. 

Your breath can truly set you free!

The SOMA Awakening Ceremony is a higher yoga ritual designed to clear negative imprints and help you break free from the past, so you can be more present, in the flow, liberated, and empowered to be the sole creator of your reality.

Rhythmic breathing hyper-oxygenates the body, bringing in more oxygen and blowing out more carbon dioxide than normal. This alters the pH of the blood stream and also creates a strong electromagnetic field and current to flow through the body. This increases your Level Of Vibrational Energy (L.O.V.E.). With a higher vibrational state, negative emotions and trauma can be cleansed from the mind and body and your ability to manifest becomes totally effortless.

Individual Session: 90 minutes $150

Group Session:  90 minutes $35 per person

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